Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Potential programs

I have a number of options of programs to use to create my interactive book, its just a matter of which ones will offer me the best functions and cater for apple iPads and tablets.

XCode & Objective C/Swift
This is the most ideal combination, however the hardest to learn. XCode was created by Apple for developing software for OS, X and iOS. This would allow me to create a great solution for the iPad, however I would have to learn a whole new coding language, given time constraints is hard but could be beneficial long-term.

Quartz Composer
Quartz Composer is a node-based visual programming language provided as part of XCode development for processing and rendering graphical data. This wont give me as much freedom, but it would be easier to function and comes with more built in presets which may be relevant to my interactive book features.

HTML5 is one of the core markup languages structuring and presenting content for the web. This would be the most ideal option, as I have already learnt alot of CSS and JS throughout my university degree thus far. However, it is not ideal for apple devices as Apple primarily use XCode for all their software programming.

InDesign ePub/eBook
ePub is an electronic publication, specifically designed to create eBooks. eBooks are electronic versions of printed books which is what I want to create, however I would be very limited to adding interactive elements. Depending on whether I want the focus aimed towards more at the illustrations, this could be a potential candidate.

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